Daddy and Owey the day of his party.
Nat and El
Two years old. In the tub.
Lily Dilly in profile.
Me and the monkey. Love him.
Owen got to take a special trip to Chuck E. Cheese for his birthday. Here he is driving a car with Mr. Stuart Little.
Pointing out his teeth.
Rotten, like his dad.
So fun!
Thanks for showing me what to do, Daddy!
Apparently he loves Cheetos.
Running up and down the hall with Bruiser.
Owey just had his two year doctor's appointment today. He's about 26lbs, 34 inches tall. Long and lean. All his weight is in his cheeks. He doesn't say many words, about 25ish, but he understands MANY. He can point to all his body parts, many many animals, can follow simple commands, and respond by nodding or shaking his head. He's smart. He actually sat patiently while Dr. M examined him and only got upset when he had to look in his mouth (and said, "Oh, does he suck his thumb?") By the way, still LOVING the new pediatrician. So glad we switched. AND! His lead levels are completely back to normal.
I would blog more, but the monkey has just woken up from his nap! Stay tuned for more exciting news!