Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I had written an entire blog last night around 1am, and then my computer froze, so here is the condensed version. Monday all day I felt kind of queasy and like I was getting a cold. Clint also felt like he was getting a cold. Owen had been super fussy most of Monday. By Monday night, I was so exhausted and feeling sick-ish that I had another one of my weepy breakdowns. Clint took over Owen duty so I could take a nap. I slept for about an hour, and woke up to help Clint. As soon as I put Owen down on his changing table, I knew I was going to be sick. Thus began the puke-fest. It was horrible. Thank God Clint was there to take care of him. I was useless and a mess. Clint stayed home on Tuesday because we were both up all night Monday. Coincidentally, there was a Twilight Zone marathon on, which is so ironic that Clint would stay home on the very day there is a marathon of his favorite TV show!
We are both still getting colds.
Owen on the other hand, after being up most of Monday night, behaved like an angel during the day on Tuesday, and smiled so many times. I need someone else to take a picture of him while I make him smile. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
AND, last night, I put him down around 7:30, and we were so tired that we decided to go to bed at 8:15, and the first time I woke up to Owen crying was at 12:15!!!!! He slept for almost 5 hours!! He hasn't done that since he was a week old!
When we were at the cousins house, we put him in their swing, which he seemed to love, so I am buying the same one. AND, it plugs in!!! No messing with batteries.

Lost is on tonight!! This season has been totally awesome!!!!

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